Inline Skate wheels
Quality, inline skate wheels from RollerBob
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Wheel Kits
Parts Catalog
Order Wheels by Size.
125mm wheel kit
from $96.00
100mm wheel kit
from $48.00
90mm wheel kit
from $44.00
84mm wheel kit
from $48.00
80mm wheel kit
from $44.00
76mm wheel kit
from $44.00
72mm wheel kit
from $24.00
68mm wheel kit
from $24.00
Hi/Lo Wheel kit
68mm to 84.5mm
from $39.99
Parts Catalog
68mm to 80mm Inline Wheels
(608 bearings)
80.5, 82.5 & 84.5mm Inline Wheels
(608 bearings)
90, 100 & 110mm Inline Wheels
(608 bearings)
(Standard 608)
Bearing Spacers
Brake Pads
For RollerBlade brand inline skates
Inline skate tools
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